

A cryptocurrency project created by Wall Street Financial Capital

We are committed to creating a cryptocurrency with long-term potential and diversified ecological planning before the Year of the LONG in 2024.

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A financial capital currency project


BNBLONG will launch a series of LONG emoticons and meme coins, aiming to attract more users to participate and trade. These emoticons and meme coins will become hot topics for community discussion and sharing, increasing the visibility and influence of the project.


BNBLONG will be committed to building a complete ecosystem. The ecosystem will include exchanges, wallets, DeFi platforms, DApp, etc. to meet the various needs of users in the crypto world. By building an open and scalable ecosystem, BNBLONG will provide users with more financial services and opportunities.


BNBLONG will also actively explore and apply Web3.0 technology. Web3.0 is the development direction of the next generation internet, promoting the rise of decentralized, trust free applications and protocols. BNBLONG will leverage the advantages of Wb3.0 to provide more secure, efficient, and user-friendly cryptocurrency services.


BNBLONG will also pay attention to the development of NFT field. NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a digital asset based on blockchain technology, which is unique and irreplaceable. BNBLONG will introduce NFT related functions and markets into the ecosystem, providing users with more digital assets such as artworks and game props.


Contract Address: 0xbff272e9fd857d5cefbb0542b1ff31de4b041993


The total supply of $BNBLONG is 20,000. The buy/sell fee is 3%, including 2% for marketing and 1% for NFT dividend. The contract is strictly reviewed and tested, and the LP will be locked for more than 12 months.

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Total Supple of NFT

Total Number of Community Members

Mint Date - Coming Soon


A Great Project Plan

Phase 01

Phase 02

Phase 03